
Log Cabin Republicans Praise Bi-Partisan Introduction of Early Treatment for HIV Act

March 14, 2007 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger Tumblr

(Washington, DC) – Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR), joined by Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), has re-introduced the Early Treatment for HIV Act (ETHA). "Log Cabin praises Senator Gordon Smith for re-introducing this critical piece of legislation," said Log Cabin President Patrick Sammon. "This bill will save lives, reduce the transmission rates of HIV, and save millions of dollars."

This program will expand access to vital medical services for low-income HIV-positive individuals before they develop full-blown AIDS. Medicaid currently offers no help until a person has AIDS.

"HIV/AIDS touches the lives of millions of Americans from a variety of backgrounds," said Senator Smith. "Some get the proper medications they need to remain healthy, but far too many do not. The inability to access life-saving treatment literally creates a 'life and death' situation for many of our most vulnerable citizens. Fortunately, ETHA can give those individuals access to the care they need so they can look forward to a long and healthier life."

"We call on President Bush and Congress to join in this bi-partisan effort and support ETHA," said Sammon.