
Log Cabin Calls for Increased ADAP Funding

August 8, 2003 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger Tumblr

(WASHINGTON, DC) – Log Cabin Republicans called today for an increase in funding for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP).

"ADAP is in crisis. Eleven states are closed to new enrollment and have waiting lists and more states anticipate cutbacks in the near future. This means that hundreds of newly diagnosed individuals may receive no treatment. The causes of the ADAP crisis are varied but there is a clear and present need for additional funding, funding that will save lives," said Patrick Guerriero, executive director of Log Cabin Republicans.

ADAP is the cornerstone of the Ryan White Care Act and Centers for Disease Control prevention efforts. Patients who test positive in response to the effective new CDC testing initiatives must turn to ADAP or go on welfare if they lack insurance. Almost one-third of all AIDS patients rely on ADAP to pay for their life prolonging drugs.

"While we are encouraged by increased funding proposals from President Bush and Congress, current funding is inadequate. We recognize that Ryan White needs to be fully reviewed and significantly overhauled during the Ryan White reauthorization next year. While there is no 'one size fits all states' figure to close the ADAP gap we know that an immediate infusion of $100 million in additional federal funding is imperative. We must prevent the crisis situations in individual state ADAP programs from turning into an even more severe nationwide ADAP crisis in 2004," Guerriero added.