
Log Cabin Calls for Comprehensive Tax Reform

A Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Helps All Families

April 15, 2005 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger Tumblr

(Washington, DC) – "April 15th, tax day, is an annual reminder of the need for comprehensive tax reform. Log Cabin is proud to stand with our Republican allies in calling for a simpler, fairer tax code, which will benefit all American families, including gay and lesbian families," said Log Cabin Republicans President Patrick Guerriero.

In January of this year, Log Cabin unveiled its legislative agenda for 2005. A top priority for this year is tax reform. "Log Cabin supports comprehensive tax reform. Lower taxes are fundamental to growing the U.S. economy. It is also clear that the current tax system severely disadvantages gay and lesbian families," said Log Cabin Republicans Political Director Chris Barron.

In particular, Log Cabin supports:

"There is an opportunity for real tax reform in the 109th Congress. Log Cabin will continue to work with Republican allies to insure that taxes are cut on hard working American families, and will continue to be a voice for conservative and moderate gays and lesbians," concluded Barron.