
Log Cabin Republicans Responds to 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Testimony, GOP Recalcitrance

GOP Opposition Weekens Party's Commitment to National Security and Promoting Liberty

February 3, 2010 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger Tumblr

(Washington, DC) – In response to the testimony by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mike Mullen before the United States Senate Armed Services Committee, Log Cabin Republicans issued the flowing statement:

"The sentiment and personal conviction displayed by Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen show the finest commitment to honor and duty to our country's armed forces and the purpose it serves to protect. Log Cabin Republicans is grateful to these men for providing such committed and dedicated testimony that the military is truly ready to take a stand against the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy – one of last forms of state-sanctioned discrimination," stated Log Cabin Republicans Board of Directors Chairman Terry Hamilton. "To any Republicans who are sitting on the side-lines waiting for the military command to weigh-in – you now have your answer," concluded Hamilton.

In response to Republican criticism of testimony provided by Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen, and a proposed repeal of the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy, Log Cabin Republicans National Spokesperson Charles T. Moran comments:

"Since this policy was instituted, roughly 13,500 gay and lesbian servicemembers have been discharged, and nearly 800 were in critical positions. This policy has cost US taxpayers over $350 million. Anybody who thinks this policy has worked 'just fine' clearly needs to get his or her head checked. Recent polls have shown that 75% of servicemembers would have no problem serving alongside a fellow soldier that is gay," stated Moran. "True conservatives understand that the defense of our nation and ensuring our freedom and liberty comes before any kind of personal hang-ups over sexual orientation. Our men and women in uniform understand that, hopefully so will Congressional Republicans after hearing Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen's testimony."

While Log Cabin Republicans applauds and honors the sentiment and dedication that both Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen – both originally appointed by Republican administrations – have towards dismantling discrimination against gays and lesbians in the military, the final decision will clearly be political one determined by Congress. To that end, Log Cabin Republicans will still continue to press forward with its legal challenge to the failed 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy.

Currently, Log Cabin Republicans v. United States of America is the only direct challenge to the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' law. It is also the only contemporary legal challenge to this law to succeed at the district court level. One of the injured parties named in the case, Alexander Nicholson, is a former US Army Human Intelligence Collector who fluent in multiple languages, including Arabic, and who was discharged under the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' law just six months after 9/11. Another injured party in the case, listed simply as 'John Doe,' currently serves in the Armed Forces and would face a discharge if his identity were revealed.