
Speaker Newt Gingrich's Statement on Shepard Murder

October 13, 1998 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger Tumblr

(Washington, DC) – House Speaker Newt Gingrich today released the following statement on the vicious beating of a college student in Wyoming:

"The brutality and casual callousness of this beating is horrifying. No person should ever have to suffer such inhuman savagery. It demeans and depersonalizes – destroying the very soul that makes each human being precious in the eyes of God throughout their lives.

"We must ensure that those who are responsible for this despicable attack are held accountable. This attack is not only an affront to the very principles that we as a nation hold dear, but it also reminds all of us that we are indeed our brother's keeper. As such, we must be ever vigilant against violence of any kind."

Newt Gingrich
Speaker of the House