
Log Cabin Republicans Commends RNC Chairman Reince Priebus on Calling for a More Inclusive GOP

January 25, 2013 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger Tumblr

Washington, D.C. - Today, the Republican National Committee re-elected Reince Priebus to a second term as its Chairman. In his acceptance speech, the Chairman called for a new, more inclusive Republican Party, stating, "We must be a party concerned about every American in every neighborhood."

Gregory T. Angelo, Log Cabin Republicans Interim Executive Director issued the following statement on his re-election:

"Log Cabin Republicans congratulates Chairman Priebus on his re-election and welcomes continued work with him and the RNC. Truly, in his acceptance speech today, the Chairman was speaking our language: Calling for an inclusive GOP and 'embracing our common identity as freedom-loving Americans.' This is what Log Cabin Republicans is all about, and we're eager to amplify the message of emphasizing small government, individual liberty and the power of opportunity  – and contrasting it with President Obama's bleak vision of an America more dependent on bureaucracy than ever before.

"Chairman Priebus: Gay Republicans are ready and willing to help you renew the party, grow the ranks of the GOP, and work to help Republicans win elections from coast-to-coast."