
Log Cabin Republicans Denounce Execution of Gay Youth by Iran

International Community Should Denounce Iranian Regime

July 26, 2005 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger Tumblr

(Washington, DC) – In the wake of news stories and photographs documenting the hanging of two gay Iranian teenagers, Log Cabin Republicans re-affirm their commitment to the global war on terror. "Like any decent human being, I am shocked and outraged by the execution of two young gay men by Iranian government officials," said Log Cabin Republicans President Patrick Guerriero. "This barbarous slaughter clearly demonstrates the stakes in the global war on terror. Freedom must prevail over radical Islamic extremism."

Log Cabin Republicans call on the United States government, as well as the broader international community, including the United Nations, to publicly condemn these atrocities. There is a special obligation for those countries with continued economic ties to the Iranian regime to speak out. "The international community should be outraged, and those countries that continue supporting the Iranian regime have a special obligation to condemn this deplorable act," concluded Guerriero.